Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Baby Steps!

Isaac took his first step (it was really more like a tiny little shuffle) about 3-4 weeks ago and he is now (after experimenting with it for several days) fully walking! He has become so fond of his new found skill that he has transferred most of his mobile time from crawling to walking. He can go pretty decent distances now and loves to follow mommy and daddy around!

We ventured outside with his new skill and he now loves to walk from the house to the car holding onto mommy's hand!

A little Isaac update: Isaac is growing and changing so much. We get to see more of his personality all the time. And he is such a little boy. He loves funny or loud noises - he laughs hysterically when we reproduce them for him. He loves playing "pound on the puppy" (not really, he's actually pretty gentle). It goes something like this: he follows Avi (our little dog) around or just comes over to him when he's napping and just pats and pats on him, on his head, on his belly and maybe tries to climb over him until Avi eventually has had enough. Isaac thinks it's great fun and it again makes him laugh. He really has the greatest laugh. I know we're biased, but I have really never heard a laugh that makes me laugh every time! He is named so well!

Isaac's other favorite thing is to play "climb on daddy". He's already wrestling at just over a year old! He is very boy in this way too. He loves standing up tall and then letting himself just "fall" onto Ben. They can play like this for a long time. He also gets so excited when daddy comes home for the day. He wants to be held right away by Ben and reaches for him until he does so. We are loving seeing how he is emotionally connecting with us more and more.

So, we are enjoying all the new adventures of toddler-hood. I am excited to get Isaac outside more to explore now that he is walking - I just know he will love the piles of leaves laying everywhere. Those are some of my favorite fall memories and I can't wait watch him enjoy them as well!

Lastly, a little pregnancy update: I am now 21 weeks along and we will announce in a soon coming blog update if Isaac will have a little brother or sister! This time has been a bit more suspenseful since we knew from the beginning with Isaac. I'll post some prego pics here pretty soon, I promise.

Check out Isaac's latest pics HERE.