Saturday, November 10, 2007

Chicken Little

We had a little "Harvest Party" with our congregation at the end of October and we dressed Isaac up as Chicken Little. He won the prize for "Cutest Costume" of course! It wasn't a hard decision especially since one of the judges was his aunt. A friend and I coordinated the whole event for the kids and everyone had a blast!

Happy Fall and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

More Chicken Little pics HERE.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Baby Boy 2...the Sandler way!

Well, if that's not enough to give it away, then, yes we are having another little boy. We are very excited and even though we'd loved to have had a little girl next as well, it will be great for Isaac to have a playmate so close in age. The official due date is: March 17, 2008.
Here is "Bun the 2nd's" first photograph...

Be sure to check out more recent pics of Isaac!