Monday, March 24, 2008

We are excited to announce...

(Jacob's Hebrew name is Yacov)

Born: Saturday, March 15, 2008 at 10:17am
Weight: 8 lbs. 4.5 oz. / Length: 20 in.

We are thrilled to welcome our new little boy into our family and into the world! The birth experience itself was incredible as it was so much shorter, more positive (a lot less complications) and completely drug free this time! My labor started early Saturday morning and we were at the hospital in the next few hours after that. We had decided to do a water birth at a different hospital than we were at last time, so our trip to the hospital was about 20 min. instead of 7 min. - but I did just fine. The total labor to delivery time was 8 hrs. 45 min. and Jacob was born into the water. The only little scare we had was that the cord was wrapped around his neck when he first came out and so we had to quickly get him onto the "baby warmer" and get some oxygen flowing for him. So, those first moments on my chest weren't quite as calm as we'd planned, but overall the whole experience was truly amazing!

Isaac has been adjusting well to this new little person in our home. The first few days were definitely rough, though. We had a friend bring him up to the hospital to be with us as soon as we could after the birth and he stayed the night with us in the hospital room the night we were there. Unfortunately, he was still sick with a cough and had just gotten over a fever, so he was not exactly in the best mood to start. And then he had this new little guy in the picture - taking mommy and daddy's time and attention. But now, about a week later, he has definitely taken to Jacob and is interested when he is around. He watches as I feed him and when Jacob cries he comes and tells me, pointing in Jacob's direction. He also has started to try to rock the little bouncer chair that Jacob is often in. Of course, I love this - it's so sweet the way he knows that he needs to be taken care of. We are working on the concept of "gentle" a lot right now, too! :o)

Ben was able to take almost the entire week off following the birth and my mom was here for about 5 days as well, so it was a wonderful week of bonding -- and cleaning and laundry and re-arranging the house and the boys' room (you know, the practical stuff, too). I am healing well and really feel pretty much back to normal already at only 9 days post partum! What a change from last time! Baruch Hashem!

New family pics HERE. We'll be adding more as soon as we can.